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« Pour atteindre ses objectifs, la meilleure stratégie est celle qui est exécutable, tout en restant adaptable en fonction des résultats.”
Founder CEO Olivier FRANK
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Témoignages Clients
« I will say is a pleasure to work with Olivier, professionally and personally. Olivier has strong values as a person that translates into the business relations and his management style: trust, ownership , respect, leadership.
On top, Olivier has a deep knowledge in the pharma and Animal health business , this linked with his ability to network and adapt to different cultures and mentalities. Results oriented, where it counts both the final result but also the way to arrive to this result.
It is a pleasure to work with him and to have someone as reliable. »
« I worked with Olivier on different comercial topics in a multicultural and complex business environment in animal Health. Olivier has, beyond his expertise on vet pharmaceutical area, robust analytical skills, very inspiring leadership and capability to negociate with empathy to get the best outcome for all stakeholders. »
« Working with Olivier is a privilege and fun. He will be a great asset for any team interested in precise, profound strategic planning. He is an expert in marketing and delivers with high performance. It was a pleasure to work with him. »